What Are Pinterest Trend Predictions and How to use Them in Planning for 2022

A new year has started and with that comes the annual Pinterest Predictions! If you haven’t had the chance to check it out yet, let me give you a breakdown of what it is, how you can use it to plan your business and some of my favorites from this year’s list.

So what are Pinterest Predictions?

These are predictions related to trending searches on the platform based on categories featured.

This can help you plan for your business in advance in terms of:

  • Content you can share based on what people are searching for on the platform and;

  • Keywords to add to your Pin Visual, Pin Title, and Pin Description

What I like about it is, these predictions are not yet officially trending, but since people are already searching for them on the platform you have an early opportunity to lead the trend.

And just in case you are wondering, for the past year the predictions they had were 80% correct. So, you know that they have spent time and effort to really make this insight report.

What are the categories included in the Pinterest Prediction Report?

I get it, you might be worried that your niche isn’t covered, but the trends are so diverse that you might be able to find a trend that will fit your niche or category. This year, the categories range from Pinterest-y ones such as beauty, travel, fashion, and well-being to less Pinterest-y topics like Auto, Tech and Finance.

Here is a screen snap of the categories!

What to expect in each trend prediction?

When you dive into the trends, you will see some amazing insights that will surely inspire you and your 2022 plans.

With each trend prediction, you will get :

  • A concise description of what it is all about

  • Trending search terms (that you can use as keywords for your pin designs, pin title, and pin description)

  • A spotlight on a creator who showcases the trend

  • A link to the board for inspiration as well as some sample pins

  • Tips on how you can bring the trend to life latched on to the different categories - after the search terms this is my favorite part because it will feed you ideas that you can already take action on. Here’s a snapshot of the tips from the Nailscapes Trend

What to do with the Pinterest Trend Predictions?

Look at the trends relevant to your business, category and audience. From there, you can already try to plan ahead for content or executions you can focus on for the year.

The trends report is there to guide you on what people are already searching for in the platform, it will be up to you to take action based on the trends you deem are relevant to your business.

As a Pinterest manager, I wouldn’t recommend overdoing it. Instead of trying a lot, you can focus on 3-5 trends spread throughout the year to match your business activities.

You can check out the Pinterest Trend Predictions Report here!

Pinterest Trends Hot Picks:

As I mentioned above, I would also be picking some of the trends I like. There is a total of 35 trends (a lot) and I have chosen the following as the top trends I will be looking out for this year:

  1. Relation-tips

    1. What I like this trend is the focus on building better relationships - not just for couples but relationships with others in general. This dives into self-care or one’s well being to and something I think all brands and business can latch on to.

  2. Flexercise

    1. This is an interesting trend for me, we are learning to accept our bodies and not to drive it hard into exhaustion just to work out. This trend is all about taking it slow, choosing your own style when it comes to working out - which lowkey fits my current routine of walking my dogs and practicing Yoga

  3. Don’t Quit Your Yay Job

    1. I love this trend so much! It empowers everyone to earn from their passion. I have started my business as a side hustle in late 2017 if I remember correctly because I am such a social media geek. Now it has turned into a profitable business that has kept my family afloat even during the pandemic. This is a trend I recommend people to check out especially those who are feeling drained by their current work.

Key Takeaways:

Take time to discover the trends predicted but don’t latch on to every single one. Pick and choose which one is the most applicable for your business and your plans for 2022. Need help in starting up your Pinterest account? Your Pinterest Manager is just a chat away!

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Hi, I’m Denice!

In 2019, I decided to leave my corporate job as the Digital and PR Manager for a globally known brand to start my own business. My goal? To help service-entrepreneurs thrive through a holistic Social and Pinterest approach.

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Denice Joyce Faeldonia

I am a social media mentor and strategist helping service-entrepreneurs maximize Pinterest and Instagram for their business.


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