Self Care Series: Why is Self-Care Important for Mompreneurs

It’s been three years since I resigned from my corporate job and started my business. It has been an amazing ride so far but the one thing I realized is that I had moments when I felt burned out from everything I was doing.

Don’t get me wrong, I love what I do.

But, I often take it to the extremes. I blame my Capricorn placement (yes, you can say I’m a good poster child for Capricorns and prefer working that there were times when I felt like not doing anything was so wrong).

So, I want to start a self-care series blog for mompreneurs and fempreneurs like me - with tips on how you can look after yourself while you build your business and slay the game.

Before I start with the first installment for this blog series (side note: I am worried about how I can sustain this, but hey there’s always a first for everything right?), let us discuss the importance of self-care.

Why is Self-Care Important for entrepreneurs?

Day in and day out, you show up for your business. You’ve probably been a firm believer in the “Showing up is key” mantra, so am I. But it shouldn’t become your excuse for not taking it easy and looking after yourself.

In running my own thing for three years, I’ve realized that self-care is important for us mompreneurs because:

Without taking proper breaks you get burned out - the belief that working hard until you reach your goal shouldn’t mean you don’t take healthy breaks. Hustling until the wee hours won’t do you any good in the long run. I still recall the time when I was still editing content and creating graphics at 1 AM while accepting a client call at 2 AM (Manila time). Looking back, that was not healthy at all. I ended up making small errors the next day (I was up at 7AM preparing my pre-schooler).

Taking a day for yourself will help you manage your stress levels better - since you are doing things on your own, whether you are just new to it or not, you know that you have to wear different hats when it comes to your business. There’s the marketing hat, the finance hat, the HR hat, and the CEO hat. The stress that comes from having to register your business or yourself as a consultant and also filling taxes while also working on marketing your business will take a toll.

Taking self-care breaks will help with your emotional health - aside from helping you deal with your stress levels you are also reminded that your needs are important. This will help you better take care of your body and your mind - that will help you see the value you have to offer.

Taking screen breaks will help with your physical health in the long run - while taking breaks shouldn’t be compared to exercise and diet, it can help you achieve that sense of zen. This in turn can help you prevent experiencing chronic stress.

How can you practice self-care as a mompreneur or fempreneur?

There are many different ways that you can do this - from the basics of taking breaks from your phones or gadgets to ones like traveling. I will update this part as I release the other parts of this self-care blog series.

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Hi, I’m Denice!

In 2019, I decided to leave my corporate job as the Digital and PR Manager for a globally known brand to start my own business. My goal? To help service-entrepreneurs thrive through a holistic Social and Pinterest approach.

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Denice Joyce Faeldonia

I am a social media mentor and strategist helping service-entrepreneurs maximize Pinterest and Instagram for their business.

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