How To Maximize Your Instagram Content for Pinterest


Don’t have regular blog posts to maximize for your Pinterest Business Account? Don’t have a website yet for your business? Or are you seeking on increasing the reach and visibility of your Instagram posts using Pinterest?

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In this post, I will share how you can maximize your Instagram content for your Pinterest biz account.

Why should you use Pinterest for your business?

If you are still unsure on why you should be using Pinterest for your business, here’s a quick share.

  • It is steadily growing and has more monthly active users vs Snapchat and Twitter combined - it has 459 M Monthly Active Users!

  • 85% of Pinners say they use Pinterest to plan new projects - People are in the platform when they are planning a new project or at the early stages of it - meaning they are making purchase decisions

  • 90% of information transmitted to the brain are visual - You can have more impact with visually appealing pins which can lead to site visits and conversions

So why combine Instagram and Pinterest?

No, Pinterest isn’t just for promoting your website or blog content - if you don’t have those you can still use the platform to promote your Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube accounts! Yes! With each pin, you can promote a specific Instagram post, TikTok, or YouTube video.

If you go back to what I shared, there are 459 M people using the platform actively, so that can help give your Instagram posts additional reach and engagement! So consider closely your evergreen Instagram posts and make sure you also pin them!


How to maximize my Instagram posts on Pinterest?

Here are some quick changes you can do to help your Pinterest business account gain more visibility. The same as with other platforms, remember that you need to give it time - results won't happen overnight. So focus on consistency, not on haste.

Step 1: Create 3-4 visuals for the Instagram post you want to share on Pinterest

By doing this, you can do A/B testing and also add more fresh pins pointing to one Instagram post. You just have to play around with different variations to make the most out of one Instagram post. Aside from A/B testing pins out, Pinterest favors fresh pins over saves or repins. Look how I did it here:

Original Instagram Post


Pins created


Step 2: Look for your keywords

Before posting your pins, you should check the keywords you will be using to optimize your pins and your boards. You can use different tools to help you search for your keywords and you can check out my post about it here: Keywords vs Hashtags on Pinterest. Why optimize your pins through keywords? Pinterest is a visual search engine platform, so it is a must to use keywords to be seen.

pinterest keyword search

Step 3: Pin manually or schedule your pins via Tailwind

Instead of sharing from Instagram to Pinterest, take time to go to your desktop, and share it manually via Pinterest or Tailwind and adding the link to your IG post. Why? This will allow you to add keywords to your pin which can help it gain more visibility.


Step 4: Repurpose your Instagram Carousels Wisely

Aside from creating different cover versions for your carousel to become fresh pins, you can also repost them as idea pins. Idea pins are technically new and are being boosted more by Pinterest vs regular pins. You just need to tweak your carousel visuals a bit and upload!


Ready to maximize your Instagram posts on Pinterest now?

To end this post, remember that posting won’t guarantee returns right away. If you don’t see an uptick in your performance right away, that is normal especially if you are just new to the platform. Just keep pinning and at least give it a try for 3-6 months!

Like this post? Save it on your Pinterest board for reference later!

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How To Use Pinterest to Maximize Your Instagram Reach and Engagement.png

Denice Joyce Faeldonia

I am a social media mentor and strategist helping service-entrepreneurs maximize Pinterest and Instagram for their business.

How To Engage Without Burning Out On Instagram


How To Optimize Your Pinterest Business Account